Who Is the Leader of Treasure?

The YG Entertainment K-pop group Treasure debuted through a unique set of circumstances. Four separate groups of male YG trainees had competed for a place in the next YG group through the survival competition series YG Treasure Box, which aired between 2018 and 2019. Originally, the plan was to debut a group of perhaps five-to-seven members, but that evolved into a new plan to debut two groups of seven and six members, respectively. Then one member left the planned latter group, so those two groups merged back together to debut as one final, 12-member group. (But then two more members left two years after debut!) So after all those shake-ups, it’s easy to wonder who the leader of the group is. Among Choi Hyunsuk, Jihoon, Yoshi, Junkyu, Yoon Jaehyuk, Asahi, Doyoung, Haruto, Park Jeongwoo, and So Junghwan, here is the very unique answer to who the leader of Treasure is.

The Leader of Treasure Is Both Hyunsuk and Jihoon

In a strikingly unusual change of pace, both Hyunsuk and Jihoon are the leaders of the group. Some K-pop groups have more than one leader in the sense of having subunit leaders, as seen in Seventeen, but having two equal, overall leaders is largely unheard of. In fact, it’s actually more common (yet still rare) for a K-pop group to have no leader at all, as seen in YG girl group Blackpink.

Hyunsuk and Jihoon explained why they are both the leader of the group during Treasure’s debut press conference, which occurred on August 7, 2020. Per allkpop translation, Jihoon said, “We were advised that having two leaders would be the better option, and so I was chosen as leader along with Hyunsuk. We are creating a good synergy effect together as leaders.” Hyunsuk then said, “I’m thankful to be able to lead the team with Jihoon. I think that we will be able to head in the right direction because all of the members agreed with one heart.” He added, “There’s nothing particularly hard about being the leader. I want to be in Treasure for the rest of my life.”

Prior to debut, Hyunsuk and Jihoon had also exchanged a few words on the subject in a “Treasure : T-Talk” video published in June 2020. Jihoon said that, after being given the role of leader, he thought it would be “too much pressure” to lead Treasure by himself, so he appreciated Hyunsuk having his back. However, Hyunsuk laughed that comment off, saying it sounded like “a script.” Yet Hyunsuk then echoed the same sentiment, saying, “Becoming the leader by myself would’ve been tough,” and he was “glad” to divide the role with Jihoon.

Choi Hyunsuk (left) and Jihoon (right) are the leaders.

Back when Treasure was supposed to debut as two groups, Hyunsuk belonged to a group that would be called Treasure, and Jihoon belonged to a group that would be called Magnum. It stands to reason that they would have been the leaders of each of their groups. So, Treasure having two leaders could arguably be seen as a vestige of those earlier plans YG had abandoned.

In summary, Treasure has not one leader but two leaders, and the leaders of Treasure are Hyunsuk and Jihoon. They lead the group comfortably together, and it’s a highly unique circumstance.

For more about the group, check out how old the Treasure members currently are. Or for more YG groups of past and future, check out how old the Blackpink and BabyMonster members are.

Published by

John Friscia

John has been a dedicated K-pop enthusiast for more than 10 years, and he also has more than 10 years of professional experience in writing, editing, journalism, and fact-checking. Now John wants to share the love of K-pop with the world, by providing accurate and up-to-date information on idols and the industry that is much more trustworthy than what is found on unsourced wikis and profile pages.

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