Boynextdoor Members Profile: Fact-Checked Bio & Trivia!

KOZ Entertainment K-pop boy group Boynextdoor consists of members Sungho, Riwoo, Jaehyun, Taesan, Leehan, and Woonhak, and they debuted on May 30, 2023. They are the first boy group to be produced by K-pop artist Zico at his own company (KOZ), which is owned by HYBE, and they have a charming and down-to-earth energy that has won them many fans. (The fandom is called “Onedoor“!) Boynextdoor won their first music show on September 12, 2023 at The Show for the song “뭣 같아 (But Sometimes),” but there are surely many more accolades where that came from. K-Pop Answers presents this comprehensive, current, and regularly updated Boynextdoor members profile page with a bio, MBTI, fun facts, and other trivia for Sungho, Riwoo, Jaehyun, Taesan, Leehan, and Woonhak — and every fact has been painstakingly researched by us with citations! Please enjoy!

(However, if you just want to know how old the Boynextdoor members are, we have a separate page to explain that in depth!)

Boynextdoor Members Profile: Sungho, Riwoo, Jaehyun, Taesan, Leehan, and Woonhak Bio & Facts

BND Boynextdoor Park Sungho oldest
Sungho is the oldest member of Boynextdoor.

Sungho Profile: Bio, Facts, and Trivia

Sungho Bio & Profile Summary: Sungho, born on September 4, 2003 as Park Sungho (박성호), is the oldest of the Boynextdoor members and the “energizer” of the group. He was the first member of the group to join KOZ Entertainment and was a trainee for about three years and nine months. Sungo has an MBTI of ENTJ, his nickname is “Top Gun,” and he enjoys drawing. According to Riwoo, Sungho is the “most mature” member of Boynextdoor.

BND Boynextdoor Riwoo Lee Sanghyeok main dancer
Riwoo is the main dancer in Boynextdoor.

Riwoo Profile: Bio, Facts, and Trivia

Riwoo Bio & Profile Summary: Riwoo, born on October 22, 2003 as Lee Sanghyeok (이상혁), is the second oldest of the Boynextdoor members and the main dancer of the group. He joined KOZ about a month after Sungho joined. Riwoo has an MBTI of ISFP, and although he is one of the most introverted members, he makes a lot of “dad” jokes!

  • Riwoo was originally a student of Def Dance Skool, where he befriended fellow student Yoonwoo, who would debut with Trendz in January 2022. (As noted below, Jaehyun also attended Def Dance Skool.) [Def “Love Shot” Performance, February 21, 2019]
  • Riwoo joined KOZ because he wanted to be “part of their very first group,” and he “wanted to grow with the company.” [Weverse Riwoo Interview, June 9, 2023]
  • Riwoo joined KOZ about a month after Sungho (the first member to join the company) did, and Sungho was “completely mind blown” by Riwoo when Sungho watched him dance: “This guy who was super shy just a second ago turned into a totally different person [when dancing], and I thought he was just amazing.” [Weverse Sungho Interview, June 8, 2023]
  • Since Riwoo has an MBTI of ISFP, he is happy when someone cancels plans with him and he can stay home, saying, “I don’t think there’s anything better than that.” However, he feels Leehan (ESFJ) has the personality most similar to his own, and they are roommates. (Riwoo even calls it “fate” that they became roommates.) [Weverse Riwoo Interview, June 9, 2023 / W Korea 24 Days of Their Debut, June 22, 2023 / Funnextdoor Episode 1, July 7, 2023]
  • Likewise, Riwoo is “not so comfortable with walking up to someone first and talking to them, so the other members reached out” to him first. [Weverse Riwoo Interview, June 9, 2023]
  • Riwoo had wanted to be a professional athlete (particularly a baseball player) because he was “pretty athletic,” but he began taking dance lessons in fifth grade at the suggestion of his mother, who loves music. He felt like his friends treated him differently after they watched him perform BTS’s “Idol” and “DNA” at a middle school dance festival, and he felt “really happy” to perform in general. [Weverse Riwoo Interview, June 9, 2023 / Doorview: Leehan’s View, June 21, 2023]
  • Riwoo was class president at some point in school. [Joo Woojae Interview, September 8, 2023]
  • Riwoo is left-handed. (Sungho and Woonhak are also left-handed). [Funnextdoor Episode 2, July 14, 2023]
  • Riwoo’s favorite music artists are Bruno Mars and Deulgukhwa, his favorite album is Yoo Jae-ha’s Because I Love You, and his favorite song is Bruno Mars’s “Versace on the Floor.” [NME 30 Questions, June 30, 2023]
  • If he could only eat one thing for the rest of his life, Riwoo would “live off of doughnuts!” He eats the most of anyone in Boynextdoor, and after filming a music video, he tested how many doughnuts he could eat at once — and finished at 14! [NME 30 Questions, June 30, 2023 / Joo Woojae Interview, September 8, 2023]
  • In a hypothetical alternate universe where Riwoo is not an idol, he would like to be a “professional gamer.” [NME 30 Questions, June 30, 2023]
  • Most members of Boynextdoor view Riwoo as the group “shopaholic,” as Sungho sees Riwoo “receiving packages every day,” and Leehan added, “Whether it’s big or small, it never seems to stop.” [Singles Korea Interview, September 5, 2023]
Boynextdoor members profile bio Myung Jaehyun leader MBTI facts trivia KOZ Entertainment K-pop boy group fact-checked citations
Jaehyun is the leader of Boynextdoor.

Jaehyun Profile: Bio, Facts, and Trivia

Jaehyun Bio & Profile Summary: Jaehyun, born on December 4, 2003 in Seoul as Myung Jaehyun (명재현), is the third oldest of the Boynextdoor members and the leader of the group. He was the last member of the group to join KOZ and is passionate about music production. Jaehyun has an MBTI of ENFP and speaks fluent English, and he is an outgoing yet heartfelt leader, having cried on camera more than once!

  • Jaehyun was committed to experiencing everything in school, including being “student president from elementary school onwards,” joining the economics and business management club in high school, and entering writing competitions due to his love of poetry. [Weverse Jaehyun Interview, June 7, 2023]
  • Jaehyun was at one point a student of Def Dance Skool, and so was Riwoo. [Def Dance Skool Facebook Post, May 19, 2023]
  • Jaehyun says “a lot of companies” initially wanted to sign him, and he was originally working on his own music “without even coming out of [his] studio,” but he ultimately chose to sign with KOZ Entertainment because the KOZ producer made a “huge impact” on him when he said, “I’m not sure if you’ll be able to debut or not, but you can learn a lot here.” Jaehyun was excited at joining an environment where he could “infinitely grow.” [Weverse Jaehyun Interview, June 7, 2023]
  • Jaehyun has his own room (which is often messy) in the Boynextdoor dorm, but he lives with members Taesan and Woonhak. (Jaehyun, Taesan, and Woonhak are the Boynextdoor members involved in the music production.) They play “rock paper scissors” to decide who has to do the cleaning because none of them are proactive about cleaning the home. Jaehyun says he has been “super close” to Woonhak since the day they met. [Weverse Jaehyun Interview, June 7, 2023 / Funnextdoor Episode 1, July 7, 2023]
  • Jaehyun has explained how the lyrics to “Serenade” are directly inspired by the true story of how his dad wooed his mom: “My dad stood outside my mom’s window every night, telling her that he loved her, so the whole neighborhood ended up knowing what my mom’s name was.” [Weverse Jaehyun Interview, June 7, 2023]
  • Prior to filming their debut music videos in the United States, the Boynextdoor members had come to the US once before for dance lessons. However, Jaehyun said the members weren’t very close and couldn’t have as much fun the first time because their debut wasn’t confirmed yet and they were all anxious. They became much closer on their second trip. [Camcordoor 2, August 6, 2023]
  • Jaehyun’s mother worked in the music industry and had exposed him to a wide range of music. [NME 30 Questions, June 30, 2023]
  • If Jaehyun had pursued a career other than music, it would have been something in fashion. [NME 30 Questions, June 30, 2023]
  • If Jaehyun could have a superpower, he would select the ability to calm people down (including himself), because he does “not like the emotion of anger.” How sweet! [DIVE Studios, August 24, 2023]
  • Jaehyun has cried several times on camera, simply due to being a heartfelt and emotional person, so he has acknowledged that he is “Boynextdoor’s official crybaby.” [WHY.. Concept Photo Behind, September 7, 2023]
  • Jaehyun loves soccer, and when he was really young he was a mid-fielder who dreamed of becoming a professional soccer player. [Weverse Jaehyun Interview, June 7, 2023]
  • Jaehyun was afraid of dogs when he was young, but when he briefly lived with his aunt in elementary school, he came to love dogs because his aunt’s dog would sit by him when he got sick. [Weverse Jaehyun Interview, June 7, 2023]
  • Jaehyun learned English at a hagwon (paid afterschool academy), and in sixth grade, they went to a haunted house on Halloween, which ended up making him cry. [Funnextdoor Episode 3, July 21, 2023 / Open Door, August 29, 2023]
  • Jaehyun is inspired by Pharrell Williams and Tyler, the Creator both musically and by their fashion. Meanwhile, his favorite song is “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash. [Weverse Jaehyun Interview, June 7, 2023 / NME 30 Questions, June 30, 2023]
BND Boynextdoor Taesan Han Dongmin
Taesan is the “most creative” member of Boynextdoor.

Taesan Profile: Bio, Facts, and Trivia

Taesan Bio & Profile Summary: Taesan, born on August 10, 2004 as Han Dongmin (한동민), is the third youngest of the Boynextdoor members and has a hometown of Gwangju. He deeply loves music of past and present, including from Nirvana, The Carpenters, and Oasis. Taesan has an MBTI of INTJ, his nickname is “Giant Mountain,” and he enjoys producing music and customizing his property. Sungho calls Taesan “definitely the most creative” member.

Boynextdoor members profile bio Leehan Kim Donghyeon good-looking MBTI facts trivia KOZ Entertainment K-pop boy group fact-checked citations
Leehan is the most good-looking member of Boynextdoor (according to Taesan, at least!).

Leehan Profile: Bio, Facts, and Trivia

Leehan Bio & Profile Summary: Leehan, born on October 20, 2004 as Kim Donghyeon (김동현), is the second youngest of the Boynextdoor members and grew up in Busan. He has an intense love and knowledge of fish and regularly watches his fish tank! Leehan has an MBTI of ESFJ, but he has a calm and considerate demeanor. Taesan says constantly that Leehan is handsome and the best-looking Boynextdoor member!

Boynextdoor members profile bio Kim Woonhak maknae MBTI facts trivia KOZ Entertainment K-pop boy group fact-checked citations
Woonhak is the maknae of Boynextdoor.

Woonhak Profile: Bio, Facts, and Trivia

Woonhak Bio & Profile Summary: Woonhak, born on November 29, 2006 as Kim Woonhak (김운학), is the maknae of the Boynextdoor members. His members often find him really cute even when he’s not trying to be cute. Woonhak has an MBTI of ENFP and is highly energetic like his friend Jaehyun, the other ENFP.

We maintain this Boynextdoor members profile page to ensure all facts, trivia, and bio info remain accurate and current, so you can trust this as your ongoing best source to learn more about Sungho, Riwoo, Jaehyun, Taesan, Leehan, and Woonhak. If you find this information useful, then please share this page with your friends to expand the Boynextdoor fandom!

K-Pop Answers has conducted all of this research ourselves across many hours, so if you share any of these Boynextdoor members profile facts found here in writing or video, we kindly ask that you credit this page for assisting you! It helps us to grow and continue creating quality content like this for you. And for more about the group, you can check out our growing archive of all Boynextdoor music videos.

If you think there are more facts about Sungho, Riwoo, Jaehyun, Taesan, Leehan, or Woonhak that we should add to their bio in this Boynextdoor members profile, please tell us in the comments section and include a link to the citation!

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