YG Entertainment will release the first BabyMonster mini-album, BABYMONS7ER, on April 1, 2024, featuring all seven members of the group (including Ahyeon!) reunited. The hype is through the roof, and fans wants to know exactly how they can get their hands on the album as soon and easily as possible. So here, we will explain exactly where and how to preorder BABYMONS7ER, the first BabyMonster mini-album (including the photobook version and the seven “Tag” versions), plus an explanation of what preorder bonuses (POB) are included at individual domestic and international retailers carrying the physical album for purchase. We will also explain the difference between the photobook and Tag album options.
Explaining Photobook, Tag, & Bundle Album Contents
At present, BABYMONS7ER is being sold in a traditional photobook version, and it is being sold in seven different “Tag” versions. There is one Tag version to correspond to each BabyMonster member, respectively, meaning there are Ruka, Pharita, Asa, Ahyeon, Rami, Rora, and Chiquita versions. At YG Entertainment, “Tag” refers to scanning a card to receive digital access to music, so there is no CD included; however, it is a slightly more eco-friendly option. Each of the seven Tag versions can be bought individually, but all seven Tag versions can also be purchased collectively as a bundle.
As you can see in the images below, the BABYMONS7ER photobook version contains the following contents, no matter where you purchase it:
- big photobook (68p)
- small photobook (36p)
- folded poster
- clear sticker
- accordion postcard
- 3 out of 14 selfie photocards (random)
- physical CD

Meanwhile, each of the seven BABYMONS7ER Tag albums contains the following contents:
- outbox (corresponding to the member whose version of the album you purchase)
- photobook (92p)
- Wikibook (28p)
- clear sticker
- QR card
- pin badge
- 3 photocards

Lastly, if you preorder the bundle that contains all seven BABYMONS7ER Tag albums, “First Editions” of the bundle will come with a bundle box and 14 special photocards, making it a highly attractive option for hardcore fans.

Where & How to Preorder BABYMONS7ER, the First BabyMonster Mini-Album (Plus Bonuses)
Initially, YG Entertainment announced that the first BabyMonster mini-album, BABYMONS7ER, was available to preorder / purchase from four online retailers: YG Select, Ktown4u, Weverse, and KakaoTalk Gifts. (Purchasing from any of these retailers will count toward official album sales for the music charts in South Korea.) WITHMUU and My Music Taste are also offering the album with bonuses. KakaoTalk Gifts mostly only pertains to South Korea, so it will not be discussed at length here. However, the remainder of those retailers offer English-language shopping and international shipping.
If you preorder the BABYMONS7ER mini-album from YG Select, you will receive an exclusive preorder benefit of additional bonus photocards. Specifically, if you preorder the photobook version, you will receive 1 random (out of 7) undisclosed selfie photo card (from set A), plus 1 random (out of 7) undisclosed jacket hologram photo card (from set A). If you preorder the YG Tag version, you will receive 1 random (out of 7) undisclosed selfie photo card (from set B), plus 1 random (out of 7) undisclosed jacket hologram photo card (from set B). If you preorder the Tag bundle containing all seven versions, you will receive all of the exclusive photocards from set B. Uniquely, YG Select also offers a specific option to preorder seven copies of the BABYMONS7ER photobook version album at once (which works out to about $100 USD before shipping), and if you do that, you will receive all of the exclusive photocards from set A.
If you purchase BABYMONS7ER from Ktown4u, you will receive an exclusive selfie photocard bonus from that retailer. Specifically, you will receive 1 random selfie photocard card (out of 7) if you buy the photobook version. You will also receive 1 random selfie photocard (out of a different set of 7) if you buy a Tag version. If you buy multiple copies of either version, you will not receive duplicate photocards as long as you purchase as one order. Ktown4u is currently offering a 19% discount on every version of the album, but do note that those prices do not include the cost of shipping.
If you preorder BABYMONS7ER from Weverse, you will receive an exclusive group glossy photocard and group photo frame OR glossy selfie photocard and photo seal sticker. Specifically, if you preorder the photobook version, you will receive 1 random (out of 2) group glossy photocard and 1 random (out of 2) group photo frame. If you preorder a Tag version, you will receive 1 random (out of 7) glossy selfie photocard and 1 random (out of 7) photo seal sticker. If you purchase a bundle of all seven Tag versions, you will receive the full set of glossy selfie photocards and stickers, plus a group mini-poster.
If you preorder the album from WITHMUU, you will receive 1 (out of 7) exclusive unreleased selfie photocard. This is true of the photobook version and Tag version, and you will not receive duplicate bonus selfie photocards with multiple album purchases as long as you make it one purchase.
If you preorder the album from My Music Taste, you will receive 1 (out of 7) exclusive unreleased selfie photocard. It is not entirely clear how MMT handles duplicate bonuses with multiple-album purchases. The photobook, Tag, and Tag bundle versions are available.
For America-specific brick-and-mortar stores, Barnes & Noble currently has BABYMONS7ER available to preorder for $30.99. No exclusive bonuses are offered at this time, and the album is projected to ship beginning April 12, 2024. There are currently no listings for the album at Target or Walmart, but when that changes, this space shall be updated.
Finally, if you want to keep things simple as a domestic US shopper, you can just preorder the first BabyMonster mini-album, BABYMONS7ER, from Amazon. There are multiple listings for the album from many sellers at different price points and different projected shipping dates, so take care to double-check those details before purchasing. Notably, there are particular Amazon listings for the BabyMonster mini-album that will grant you the WITHMUU preorder bonus, and there are Amazon listings that will grant you the Weverse preorder bonus.
In summary, when it comes to exactly where and how to preorder the first BabyMonster mini-album, BABYMONS7ER, there are different photocard preorder bonuses (POB) at different retailers, but if you want to keep things simple and don’t mind waiting a little longer, you can receive certain bonuses from certain Amazon listings. That is everything there is to know on the subject at this time!
For more about the group, K-Pop Answers has everything you could possibly want to know about BabyMonster, including the following:
- Our comprehensive, fact-checked BabyMonster members profile, packed with accurate and current info!
- A complete archive and list of all of the BabyMonster music videos!
- How old the BabyMonster members currently are!
- The unusual situation of who the leader of BabyMonster is!
- A full explanation of who speaks English (or other languages) in BabyMonster!
- An accompanying explanation of where BabyMonster members are originally from!
- Our vast archive of young and adorable predebut photos of the BabyMonster members!
- A look back at when BabyMonster originally debuted!